Friday, August 17, 2012

Anti-Catholics don't want to debate my rebutal.

I'm always interested in starting a dialogue with Protestants in order to not only understand their point of view better but to also elucidate them to the truths of the Catholic faith and why it is we believe what we believe in. Even though I may sound factious and facetious at times, I still do respect all fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. However misguided their beliefs may be, I can honestly say that most - if not all - of my Protestant friends and family members do share a burning love for Christ and His message; we not only respect each others' beliefs but usually tend to have very spirited (pun intended) conversations when we do talk about religion and Christianity and, more often than naught, I have been able to clearly and explicitly define and defend Catholicism. Indeed, I usually end up stumping them with deeper theological probings of Christianity and Christology, questions that only Catholicism has answers to.

Which is why this took me aback:

Interestingly enough, they answered a question with regards to excommunication just 4 days ago and yet couldn't find time to answer just ONE of the many questions I posed. 

That is a screenshot from the YouTube page of Christian Answers, in particlular, that is the page from which I recently refuted a pair of Anti-Catholics and their personal view of Christian History (see here). Apparently, the two gentlemen in the video are either too busy to debate me or, they've taken notice of the fact that I wholly decimated their lies against Christ's One True Chruch. Kind of ironic really, since I definitely do not [yet] have the level of schooling that Mr. Wessels and Mr. Morrison have and yet, I was able to rightfully, honestly, truthfully and, to the best of my ability, defend Catholic teaching and Christian history.

As soon as I posted my rebutal, I logged on to YouTube and sent a message to them stating that I had made post on my blog (address included) that challenged their take on Christian history. I didn't get any response so a week later, after viewing all of the rest of their Christian "history" vids, I decided that their individualistic representation of Christian history needs to be cleared up.

As a history buff and a student of the history of the Catholic Church, I found it simply amazing at how these videos glossed over and omitted HUGE chunks of historical evidence that legitimizes Catholic thought and teaching. As such I decided, in the interest of creating a dialogue, to communicate with them in hopes of doing a debate and that's when I found out that CAnswersTV had decided to block me.

How sad and yet how telling. Let it be known that I in no way harassed, spammed nor trolled their page, I sent them a message as to my rebuttal in hopes of perhaps communicating with them and to see if they could answer the questions that I posed in my two-part post. I can therefore state two things:

1) CAnswersTV cannot defend their flagrant misinterpretation of Christian history against my counterargument. I fully demonstrated the colossal holes of their thesis as well as proved and substantiated various Catholic positions and dogmas.

2) CAnswersTV isn't truly acting as charitable Christians. This duplicitousness cannot come from Christ. They might think that they are but easily seen is the fact that they are not only against the "Romanist" Church but, they maliciously slander, misrepresent, misconstrue, distort, exaggerate and pervert Catholic teaching to their whim in order to malign it against their personally held Christian beliefs.  

As such I can only conclude that in choosing to block me (as it's within their right to), they have chosen to do away with any view, however truthful, that decisively disproves what they personally believe; and that is exactly what they are doing, they are using their PERSONAL BELIEFS of whatever Christian denomination they believe in, in order to disprove the ONLY Church that Jesus Christ invented. They have chosen to selectively use portions of Christian history that they have deemed pertainent to their PERSONAL BELIEFS and done away with every other instance within Christian history that goes against their claims.

Hence, their counterfeit and deceptive arguement against the Catholic Church is simply contrived lies that not only display their lack of compassion when evangelizing but, it also demonstrates how hard their hearts are to the truth.

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