The Early Church Fathers and the Deuterocanonicals

Here is an extensive list of the Early Church Fathers citing the deuterocanonical (apocryphal) books. Although this is not my personally contrived list (see here for original source), I did take the time to actually link all of the works done by the Early Church Fathers which quoted the deuterocanonical books of Scripture. The main reason as to why I did this page is to prove to the many naysayers that these books were around way before Protestants decided to quietly dispose of them in the the late 1880's.

Please note, for the most part, the vast majority of these Early Church Father's writings were cited from the non-Catholic website, Christian Classics Ethereal Library ( I have used their resources due to the fact that - in this way - I cannot be held to have cited or quoted from a "Catholic friendly" website in order to make my point. Additionally, not all cited works by the Early Church Father's where available on the CCEL's website, therefore, I had to cite a couple early writings from New Advent (, which is a Catholic website. Lastly, ALL deuterocanonical (apocryphal) works were cited from the Vatican's website Bible resource page ( All in all, my thought was to present the Early Church Father's writings from a Protestant source and the apocryphal writings from a Catholic source; by juxtaposing the two, I believe, we are able to better see just how important the deuterocanonicals were to the early church.

NOTE: For some reason or another, I've noticed that some links aren't highlighted. Rest assured that ALL Deuterocanonical works and their biblical references are indeed linked to and Just because the work is not highlighted, doesn't mean that the link isn't there.

 CLEMENT OF ROME (1st Century)

Epistle to the Corinthians, chapter 55Judith chapter 8:30; discusses the actions of Judith

DIDACHE (circa 100 A.D.)

Diache 4:7Sirach 4:31; direct quote

ST. IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCH (circa 50-107 A.D.)

BARNABAS (2nd Century)

Epistle of Barnabas, chapter 6Wisdom 2:12; combined quotes from Is. 3:9 and Wis. 2:12

ST, POLYCARP (circa 69-155 A.D.)

TATIAN (circa 120-180 A.D.)

ST. IRENAEUS (circa 125-202 A.D.)

Against Heresies, Book 4 Chapter 26 Verse 3Susannah 56 (Daniel 13:56); quotes and states it’s found in Daniel

ST. CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA (circa 150-215 A.D.)

Stromata, Book 1 Chapter 4Sirach 1:1; direct quote as if it were said by Jesus
Stromata, Book 1 Chapter 10Sirach 19:22; direct quote as if it were said by Jesus
Stromata, Book 1 Chapter 21Bel and the Dragon (Daniel 14); direct quote as if it were part of Scripture
Stromata, Book 2 Chapter 5Sirach 15:10; direct quote attributed to Solomon
Stromata, Book 2 Chapter 5Sirach 6:33; direct quote attributed to Solomon
Stromata, Book 2 Chapter 23Tobit 4:15; quotes passage as being “Scripture”
Stromata, Book 4 Chapter 19 – Judith; mentions Judith as an example of faith
Stromata, Book 5 Chapter 14Wisdom 2:12; quotes passage as being “Scripture”
Stromata, Book 6 Chapter 11Wisdom 14:2-3; quotes as from Solomon
Stromata, Book 6 Chapter 12Tobit 12:8; quotes passage as being “Scripture”
Stromata, Book 6 Chapter 14Wisdom 3:14; quotes as from Solomon
Stromata, Book 6 Chapter 14Wisdom 4:17; quotes and attributes it to Solomon
Stromata, Book 6 Chapter 15Wisdom 2:16; quotes as from Solomon
Stromata, Book 6 Chapter 15Wisdom 6:12-15; quotes as from Solomon
Stromata, Book 6 Chapter 15Wisdom 6:17-18; quotes as from Solomon
The Instructor, Book 1 Chapter 8Sirach 16:12; quotes from the Book of Wisdom
The Instructor, Book 1 Chapter 8Sirach 21:6; quotes passage as Scripture
The Instructor, Book 1 Chapter 9Sirach 7:23-24; quotes from the Book of Wisdom
The Instructor, Book 1 Chapter 9Sirach 32:21; quote attributed to Solomon
The Instructor, Book 2 Chapter 3Baruch 3:16-19; direct quote, calls it Divine Scripture
The Instructor, Book 2 Chapter 5Sirach 21:20; quotes passage as Scripture
The Instructor, Book 2 Chapter 8Sirach 38:1-2,8; quotes passage as Scripture
The Instructor, Book 2 Chapter 8Sirach 39:26-27; quotes passage as Scripture
The Instructor, Book 3 Chapter 3Sirach 25:6; quotes passage as Scripture
The Instructor, Book 3 Chapter 4Sirach 9:16; quotes passage as Scripture
The Instructor, Book 3 Chapter 4Sirach 11:29; quotes passage as Scripture
The Instructor, Book 3 Chapter 11Sirach 9:8; quotes passage as Scripture
The Instructor, Book 3 Chapter 11Sirach 21:21; quotes passage as Scripture

TERTULLIAN (circa 160-220 A.D.)

Antidote for the Scorpion’s Sting, Chapter 8Baruch 6:3-5; quotes the Book of Baruch attributes the words to Jeremiah
On Monogamy, Chapter 17 – mentions Judith
Against the Valentinians, Chapter 2Wisdom 1:1; quotes and says it is by Solomon
Prescription Against Heretics, Chapter 7Wisdom 1:1; quotes and says it is by Solomon
On Fasting, Chapter 7Bel and the Dragon (Daniel 14:31-39); states passage is part of Daniel


(Exegetical Fragments) On Susannah, Chapter 55 – Fully comments on Susannah (Daniel 13) as well mentioning Tobias, Sarah and Raphael from the Book of Tobit.

(Exegetical Fragments) On Daniel, Chapter 2:32 – Mentions 1 Maccabees 2:33


Epistles, Letter 2 Chapter 5Tobit 4:15; directs quote and states it as “sacred scripture”

ORIGEN (circa 185-254 A.D.)

Letter to Africanus, Chapter 7 – Mentions Susannah (Daniel 13)
Against Celcus Book 3 Chapter 72Wisdom 7:25-26; direct quote and says it is “the word of God”
Against Celsus Book 4 Chapter 75 – Sirach 39:16-17,21; quotes passage
Against Celsus, Book 5 Chapter 29Wisdom 1:4 & 10:5; quotes them as being the “treatise of Solomon”
Against Celsus Book 6 Chapter 7Sirach 21:18; quotes passage as part of “holy Scripture”
Against Celcus Book 8 Chapter 14Wisdom 7:25-26; direct quote and says it establishes “who the Son of God is”
First Principles Book 2 Chapter 12 Maccabees 7:28; calls Maccabees “Holy Scripture”
First Principles Book 2 Chapter 3Wisdom 18:24; quotes as being found in Wisdom of Solomon
First Principles Book 2 Chapter 8Sirach 6:4; quotes passage as part of “holy Scripture”
First Principles Book 2 Chapter 8Sirach 43:20; quotes passage as part of “holy Scripture”
First Principles, Book 2 Chapter 9Wisdom 11:20; quotes passage as Scripture
First Principles, Book 3 Chapter 1Wisdom 7:16; direct quote and calls it Scripture

ANONYMOUS (circa 255 A.D.)

ST. CYPRIAN OF CARTHAGE (circa 208-258 A.D.)

Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 6Tobit 2:14; quotes passage by name
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 62Tobit 4:12; quotes passage by name
Treatise 7, Chapter 10Tobit 12:11-15; quotes passage, states they are the authentic words of the Archangel Raphael
Treatise 8, Chapter 5Tobit 12:8-9; quotes passage, states they are the authentic words of the Archangel Raphael
Treatise 8, Chapter 20Tobit 4:5-11 and Tobit 14:10-11; quotes it as being from Tobit
Treatise 4, Chapter 33Tobit 12:12-15; quotes it as being from Tobit and being spoken by the Archangel Raphael
Treatise 4, Chapter 32Tobit 2:8; quotes it as being Holy Scripture
Epistle 51, Chapter 22Tobit 4:10; quotes it and attributes it to Tobit
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 41 Maccabees 2:62-63 and 2 Maccabees 9:12; direct quotes, states they are “in the Maccabees”
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 151 Maccabees 2:52; quotes it as being in Maccabees
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 172 Maccabees 6:30 and 2 Maccabees 7:9-27; quotes it as being from the Maccabees
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 531 Maccabees 2:60; quoted as from the Maccabees
Epistle 54, Chapter 31 Maccabees 2:62-63; quotes it as “Holy Scripture
Treatise 8, Chapter 5Sirach 29:12; direct quote and attributes it to Solomon
Treatise 8, Chapter 2Sirach 3:30; quotes it as being Sacred Scripture from the Holy Spirit
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 1Sirach 3:30; direct quotes it as part of Proverbs, later quotes Sirach 14:11 & Sirach 29:12 as being in Sirach
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 20Sirach 1:14; misattributes quote to the Wisdom of Solomon
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 6Sirach 27:5; direct quote and attributes it to Solomon
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 12Sirach 23:11; direct quote and attributes it to Solomon
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 35Sirach 5:4; direct quote, intros it as “In Solomon, in Ecclesiasticus”
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 51Sirach 10:26; direct quote, intros it as “In Solomon, in Ecclesiasticus”
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 53Sirach 3:21; direct quote and attributes it to Solomon
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 53Sirach 7:17; direct quote and attributes it to Solomon
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 95Sirach 9:16; direct quote as from Ecclesiasticus by Solomon
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 95Sirach 6:16; direct quote as from Ecclesiasticus by Solomon
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 95Sirach 9:13; direct quote as from Ecclesiasticus by Solomon
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 95Sirach 25:9; direct quote as from Ecclesiasticus by Solomon
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 95Sirach 28:24; direct quote as from Ecclesiasticus by Solomon
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 96Sirach 4:29; direct quote as from Ecclesiasticus by Solomon
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 97Sirach 5:7; direct quote as from Ecclesiasticus by Solomon
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 109Sirach 7:39; direct quote as from Ecclesiasticus by Solomon
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 110Sirach 28:15; direct quote as from Ecclesiasticus by Solomon
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 113Sirach 4:10; quoted as from Solomon
Epistle 70, Chapter 1Sirach 34:25; quotes it as valid for establishing doctrine
Seventh Council of Carthage (258 A.D.) – Sirach 34:25, direct quote
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 20 - Susannah 1-3; quotes as being in Daniel
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 20 - Song of Three Children 14-19; quotes as being in Daniel
Treatise 4, Chapter 5Baruch 6:6; quotes it as being inspired by the Holy Spirit
Treatise 7, Chapter 23Wisdom 4:11; quotes it as being inspired by the Holy Spirit
Treatise 11, Chapter 1Wisdom 15:15-17; quotes passage as from Wisdom of Solomon
Treatise 11, Chapter 1Wisdom 13:1-4; quotes passage and attributes to Solomon
Treatise 11, Chapter 12Wisdom 3:4-8; quotes passage and states it to be inspired by the Holy Spirit
Treatise 12, Book 2, Chapter 14Wisdom 2:12-22; quotes as from Wisdom of Solomon
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 15Wisdom 3:4-8; quotes as Wisdom of Solomon
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 16Wisdom 5:1-9; quotes it but attributes it to Proverbs
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 53Wisdom 1:1; quoted and attributed to Solomon
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 58Wisdom 4:11,14; quotes as being from Wisdom of Solomon
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 59Wisdom 15:15-17; quotes as from Wisdom of Solomon
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 66Wisdom 13:1-4; quotes as from Wisdom of Solomon
Treatise 12, Book 3, Chapter 112Wisdom 6:6; quoted as from Wisdom of Solomon
Epistle 51, Chapter 22Wisdom 1:13; quoted as though it was divine revelation
Epistle 61, Chapter 1Wisdom 3:11; quotes passage
Epistle 80, Chapter 2Wisdom 3:4-8; quoted and introduced as “sacred Scripture”


(Fragments) Books on Nature, Chapter 3Sirach 16:24-25; quotes passage with the introduction, “listen to the divine oracles”
(Fragments) Books on Nature, Chapter 5Sirach 16:27-28; quotes passage
(Fragments) Epistle 10: Against Bishop Germanus, Chapter 4 – Tobit 12:7; alludes to passage

ARCHELAUS (circa 3rd Century A.D.)

ST. VICTORINUS (circa 304 A.D.)

Concerning Chastity, Thekla, Chapter 3Baruch 3:14-15; quotes passage as being by Jeremiah
Oration Concerning Simeon and Anna, Chapter 10Baruch 3:24-25; possible allusion, attributed to an “illustrious prophet”
Discourse on the Resurrection, Part 1, Chapter 8Wisdom 1:14; quotes passage as being from the “Book of Wisdom”
Discourse on the Resurrection, Part 1, Chapter 11Wisdom 2:23; quotes passage as being from the “Book of Wisdom”
Concerning Chastity, Marcella, Chapter 3Wisdom 4:1-2; quoted and introduced as a “book of all virture, the Holy Spirit, now opening drawing His hearers to continence and chastity, sings on this wise…”
Fragment, Chapter 5Wisdom 12:1; quoted as by Solomon
Oration Concerning Simeon and Anna, Chapter 6 – Wisdom 15:3; quotes passage
Concerning Chastity, Theophila, Chapter 7 – Wisdom 15:10-11; quotes passage, states the Book of Wisdom as being part of the Word of God, he also states it to be “a book full of all virtue.”

ST. PETER OF ALEXANDRIA (circa 260-311 A.D.)
Fragments, Chapter 5Sirach 20:18; quotes passage


LACTANTIUS (circa 260-330 A.D.)
The Divine Institutes, Book 4, Chapter 8Sirach 24:5-7; quotes passage as by Solomon
The Divine Institutes, Book 4, Chapter 13Baruch 3:35-37; quotes passage as by Jeremiah
The Divine Institutes, Book 4, Chapter 16Wisdom 2:12-22; quotes passage and attributes it to Solomon

APHRAHAT (circa 270-345 A.D.)
Demonstration 5: Of Wars2 Maccabees 5:26-27; mentions content from book
Demonstration 5: Of Wars2 Maccabees 6:2-31; mentions content from book
Demonstration 21: Of Persecution2 Maccabees 6:2-31; mentions content from book
Demonstration 21: Of Persecution2 Maccabees 7; mentions content from book
Demonstration 5: Of Wars2 Maccabees 7; mentions content from book
Demonstration 5: Of Wars2 Maccabees 9:5-28; mentions content from book

ST HILARY OF POITIERS (circa 300-368 A.D.)
On the Trinity, Book 1, Chapter 7Wisdom 13:5; quotes passage as by a prophet
On the Trinity, Book 4, Chapter 162 Maccabees 7; quotes passage as by a prophet
On the Trinity, Book 4, Chapter 42Baruch 3:35-38; quotes passage as by Jeremiah
On the Trinity, Book 5, Chapter 39Baruch 3:35-38; quotes passage as by Jeremiah

Letter 4, Chapter 2Judith 13; mentions passage
Defense of the Nicene Definition, Chapter 3Baruch 3:12; quotes passage as being by “the Word”
Defense Before Constantius, Chapter 2Sirach 7:5; alludes to/quotes passage as though divinely inspired
Four Discourses Against the Arians, Chapter 14Sirach 12:14; misattributes to Solomon Ecclesiastes
Letter 7, Chapter 4Sirach 15:9; alludes to passage
Letter 19, Chapter 5Sirach 18:17; quotes passage but misattributes to Samuel
Defense Against the Arians, Chapter 5Sirach 30:4; quotes passage, says “the Scripture somewhere says…”
History of the Arians, Chapter 71Wisdom 2:21; quotes passage as by “Wisdom”
On the Incarnation, Chapter 5Wisdom 2:23; quotes passage as from Wisdom
On the Incarnation, Chapter 4Wisdom 6:18; quotes passage as from Wisdom, but implies that it is not Scripture
Festal Letter 1, Chapter 1Wisdom 7:27; alludes to or quotes passage
Festal Letter 10, Chapter 4Wisdom 7:27; alludes to or quotes passage
Against the Heathen, Chapter 44Wisdom 13:5; quotes passage as though it is divinely inspired
Against the Heathen, Chapter 9Wisdom 14:12; quotes passage with the introduction: “the wisdom of God testifies…”
Against the Heathen, Chapter 11Wisdom 14:12-21; quotes passage as from Scripture

SAINT BASIL THE GREAT (circa 330-379 A.D.)
Letter 8: To the CaesareansSirach 11:3; quotes as by Solomon
Letter 8: To the CaesareansWisdom 1:4; alludes to passage
Letter 8: To the CaesareansWisdom 1:7; alludes to passage
Letter 38: To GregoryWisdom 7:26; quotes passage but misattributes to St. Paul
On the Holy Spirit, Chapter 6Baruch 3:3; quotes as by Baruch
On the Holy Spirit, Chapter 9Wisdom 1:7; alludes to passage
On the Holy Spirit, Chapter 23Sirach 43:30; quotes as from the book of Wisdom
On the Holy Spirit, Chapter 23Wisdom 1:7; alludes to/quotes passage
Hexameron, Homily 6, Chapter 10Sirach 27:11; quotes as part of Scripture

Catechetical Lectures, Lecture 9, Chapter 2 Wisdom 13:5 – quotes passage as by Solomon

Oration 2, Chapter 64Susannah; alludes to passage
Oration 2, Chapter 116Sirach 3:9; quotes/alludes to passage
Oration 7, Chapter 14Wisdom 3:15; quotes passage
Oration 7, Chapter 19Wisdom 5:9-10; alludes to passage
Oration 16, Chapter 15Wisdom 9:15; alludes to passage
Oration 21, Chapter 18Wisdom 2:24; possibly alludes to passage
Oration 28, Chapter 8Wisdom 1:7; quotes passage
Oration 29, Chapter 17Wisdom 7:26; quotes passage
Oration 30, Chapter 13Baurch 3:35-38; alludes to passage
Oration 37, Chapter 6Sirach 3:11; possible allusion to passage
Oration 37, Chapter 18Sirach 3:10; quotes/alludes to passage
Oration 41, Chapter 14Susannah; mentions Susannah
Oration 41, Chapter 14Wisdom 1:6; alludes to passage
Oration 42, Chapter 6Wisdom 5:9-10; alludes to passage
Oration 43, Chapter 23Wisdom 4:8; alludes to passage
Oration 43, Chapter 742 Maccabees 7; alludes to passage
Oration 45, Chapter 15Judith 5:6; quotes passage as from Scripture

SAINT GREGORY OF NYSSA (circa 335-395 A.D.)
On the Making of Man, Chapter 16, Paragraph 14Susannah 42; quotes as “the prophetical writing says…”
On the Holy SpiritWisdom 16:14; quotes or alludes to passage

SAINT AMBROSE OF MILAN (circa 340-397 A.D.)
On the Duties of the Clergy, Book 2, Chapter 7Sirach 6:16; mentions passage as from Ecclesiasticus
On the Duties of the Clergy, Book 2, Chapter 13Wisdom 8:7; quotes passage as from Scripture
Epistle 57: To Eugenius2 Maccabees 4; mentions passage
Epistle 63: To LimeneusJudith10; mentions Judith
Epistle 63, verse 16Tobit 12:8-9: alludes to passage
Epistle 63Sirach 18:30-31; quotes passage
Epistle 63Sirach 19:2; quotes passage
Treatise Concerning Widows, Chapter 10Wisdom 8:2 – quotes or alludes to passage
On the Holy Spirit, Book 3, Chapter 18Wisdom 7:22; quotes as from Scriptures
On the Death of His Brother Satyrus, Book 1, Chapter 30 – Wisdom 4:11; quotes as from Scripture
On the Death of His Brother Satyrus, Book 2, Chapter 31 – Wisdom 7:7, 17; possible allusion to passage as by Solomon
Concerning Repentance, Book 1, Chapter 9Baruch 5:1; quotes as though divinely inspired

BLESSED JEROME (circa 347-420 A.D.)
Letter 23: To Marcella, Chapter 3Wisdom 5:4; possible allusion to passage
Letter 31: To Eustochium, Chapter 2 – Baruch 6; quotes as by Baruch
Letter 71: To Lucinius, Chapter 3Sirach 13:1; quotes as from Ecclesiasticus
Letter 75: To Theodora, Chapter 2Wisdom 4:11-14; quotes as from the book of Wisdom
Letter 108: To Eustochium, Chapter 21Sirach 13:2; quotes as from Scripture
Letter 108: To Eustochium, Chapter 23 – Wisdom 9:15; quotes passage
Letter 118: To Julian, Chapter 1Sirach 22:6; quotes as from Scripture
Against the Pelagians, Book 1, Chapter 12Wisdom 3:21; quotes passage as from the Book of Wisdom

The Conferences, Book 7, Chapter 5Baruch 3:11; quotes as by a prophet
The Conferences, Book 7, Chapter 4Wisdom 9:15; quotes as from the “so-called Wisdom of Solomon”
The Conferences, Book 8, Chapter 21Wisdom 7:17-21; quotes as through divine inspiration
The Conferences, Book 13, Chapter 7Wisdom 1:13; quotes as from Scripture
The Conferences, Book 17, Chapter 15 Wisdom 1:11; quotes as from a prophet
The Institutes, Book 10, Chapter 20Sirach 23:29; possible allusion to passage

The Commonitory, Chapter 21Sirach 8:14; quotes as by a divine Oracle

ST. LEO THE GREAT (400-461 A.D.)
Sermon 10, paragraph 4Sirach 3:30; quotes passage
Sermon 10, paragraph 4Tobit 4:7; quotes passage
Sermon 39, paragraph 3Sirach 2:1; quotes passage as by Solomon
Sermon 49, paragraph 2 Sirach 13:1; quotes passage
Sermon 49, paragraph 3Wisdom 2:24; alludes to passage
Sermon 67, paragraph 4Susannah 56; quotes passage
Sermon 77, paragraph 2Wisdom 2:24; quotes passage

Epistle 18: To John, Book 5Sirach 32:10;  quotes passage as by Solomon
Epistle 28: To Theodorus - Tobit 4:9;  quotes passage
Epistle 53: To John, Book 3Wisdom 1:11;  quotes passage as by Solomon

An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith, Book 4, Chapter 27Wisdom 3:1; quotes passage

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