Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Nuns on a Bus = Nuns for heterodoxy = Nuns for hypocrisy

Let’s stop for a moment and pretend that the LCWR isn’t under current Vatican reproval for demonstrating lax leadership with Church doctrine and even encouraging heretical behavior. For argument’s sake, let’s also say that these “radicalized” feminist nuns aren’t radical nor feminists at all and that they take Catholic teaching at face value. Additionally, let’s assume – if just for a moment – that the LCWR is in 100% accord with the Church and that there is nothing wrong with the Sister’s works and ministries.

A group of women religious have recently decided to go on a 9 state bus tour. This group, called NETWORK, has gone off to these states to protest the Republican’s proposed budget which, according to NETWORK’s website, will "harm millions of people."  They are attempting to highlight the fallacies of Representative Paul Ryan's (a Catholic and primary author of the proposed budget) view of Catholic Social Teaching. Click here to see the head organizer of the Nuns on a Bus tour on MSNBC’s Ed Shultz show.

Because there's no better way to protest
2,000 years of authority and established
Church teachings then with balloons and posters.

Like I stated, let’s throw out all of the questionable actions that some of the American nuns are currently facing and let’s dig deeper into what these nuns are really doing. The organizer of this bus tour, Sister Simone Campbell, in the numerous interviews (also here) that she’s done about this bus tour, has greatly criticized Rep. Ryan’s take on Social Teaching; indeed, I could argue that she not only cuts him down but insists that Ryan’s personal interpretation is diametrically opposed to what the Church teaches. How ironic, the very same group of women religious which the Vatican says is misinterpreting Catholic teaching, is the very same group that has honed in on Rep. Ryan for abusing his office and falling into heterodoxy!  

The interesting thing about all this is the fact that Sr. Campbell isn’t much for orthodoxy herself. In June of this year while speaking at a Jesuit parish in Charlotte, she was hesitant to call herself pro-life. The Charlotte diocesan newspaper reported that:

…She has avoided framing social justice concerns as "pro-life" issues, she said, "because I don't want to be thought of as in (the pro-life) camp. Because of my pride, as opposed to my faith."

Canada’s National Post, quoted Sr. Campbell as saying that the current situation between the LCWR and the Vatican is,

“It’s a clash of monarchy versus democracy. It’s not about faith. It’s culture.”

In other words, the Vatican is a monarchy, which is bad and the sweet, innocent, dissident nuns are the democracy that represents the laity, which is good. Sorry Sister but that analogy is far from being apt. The Church isn’t a monarchy nor is it a democracy, it’s the body of Christ who has been given the AUTHORITY to proclaim what is and is not Church teaching; you either accept or reject the Truth as it is handed down from the Magesterium or, not. It’s really very simple, if you chose not to then, don’t question when a bona fide source of AUTHORITY of the Church calls you out on it.

Atthe very heart of the matter, herein lies true issue: while the majority of nuns do excellent charitable work in servicing their communities, the ultimate source of the fundamental truth of servicing others comes through Christ and FROM HIS CHURCH. I simply have to wonder, if I decided that I didn’t like the rules at my job and decided to skew them to conform to my views, how long would it be before I would have to look for a new job? However dedicated to her religious life, doing a few good things NEVER erases rejecting Christ and His Church.

But I digress. Back to the whole reason for this bus tour. In an interview with – of all people – Steven Colbert, Sr. Campbell stated that:

“[Ryan’s budget] undermines the whole fabric of our society.”

Well now, let’s be a little intellectually honest here. To begin with, there are A LOT of other issues which I think undermine our society, one of them being abortion. Hell, you can’t have a society without people, right? So that is why it simply dumbfounds me that this so-called nun would call out Rep. Ryan for his twisted belief on Catholic Social Teaching and yet have the audacity to accept an award for her work in the Healthcare Reform law by none other than pro-death and pro-gay marriage “c”atholic politician, Nancy Pelosi!

That’s right, the good Sister sees nothing wrong with Rep. Pelosi’s blatant mangling of Church teaching but, if it’s a lay Catholic politician attempting to inject his personal beliefs into a budget proposal, well then, this cannot stand! Oh no! How dare he, a simple lay person trying to interpret what the Church teaches? Sisters unite! It’s time to get on the bus against this monstrosity of a bill!

How hypocritical that she would receive an award for legislation that is currently FORCING, er, excuse me, “mandating” the Catholic Church to go against its core teachings on the evils of contraception and yet she and her ilk get in a tizzy when a Catholic politico uses doctrine to form a bill. In an interview with PBS, Sister Campbell was asked about then Senator Joe Biden, also a “c”atholic, and his faith, she said:

“…it’s been hard to talk about our faith in a public forum because we believe that it’s the living of our faith, that is the key issue. But what I’ve seen in Senator Biden is quite touching…he’s a man of real practical faith, problem solving engagement and, he’s smart too.”

A man of practical faith? Do tell then good Sister, where was his practical faith when he wholly endorsed gay marriage earlier this year? Correct me if I'm wrong but, wouldn't a man who practices his Catholic faith have to be (by its very nature) against gay marriage? Was Biden living out his faith in a public forum when he said he “fully understands” China’s need to force abortions upon Chinese women due to their one-child-only policy? Was it quite touching when Biden admitted that the Obama-Administration “screwed up” on protecting rights of conscience when they issued its controversial contraception mandate? Hey Sister, much like Rep. Ryan, I too am a lay Catholic but, even I can see that these issues – which apparently you don’t take to task – ARE ENTIRELY AGAINST CHURCH TEACHING. 

But here’s the real kicker. The GOP-backed Ryan budge is simply a proposal. Let me state that again…PROPOSAL. As in, not a law. As in, a good educated take on the subject. As in, hey this is our idea, where’s yours? Indeed, that is the question, did President Obama submit a proposal for a budget? Oh yeah, he did and it got voted down unanimously in the Senate 99-0! Well how about the Senate, surely the chamber that the Vice President is head of must’ve submitted a budget, right? Oh yeah, that’s right, over the past 3 years, THEY HAVE FAILED TO PRODUCE A BUDGET. In case you’re wondering, that's over 1,130 days without one. I guess it's better NOT to have a viable and working budget than one with hints of Catholic doctrine in it, the less fortunate are much better off this way, right Sister?

As stated in the beginning, if we rejected all of the accusations of flaccid adherence to Catholic teaching that are being put against the LCWR, what are we left with? Let’s reconcile: we have a Catholic politician who is against abortion and gay marriage and has attempted to insert part of Catholic teaching into a bill in the public arena for all to see. We have, on the other hand, other “c”atholic politicians who are against Catholic teaching on marriage, the validity of life and the usage of contraception as well as having been negligent in passing a budget per the Constitution of the United States. The crux of NETWORK’s argument against Rep. Ryan is thus unsound.

They claim that such a budget bill will harm millions of people across the country yet, why no bus tour into 5 out of 9 Presidential battleground states against “c”atholic politicians who are for gay marriage? Why no bus tour into Presidential battleground states against “c”atholic politicians who are for abortion? Why no bus tour into Presidential battleground states against “c”atholic politicians who are in favor for the contraception mandate? If in fact part of Catholic Social Teaching is to treat everyone equally, well then Sister, consider yourself the true definition of not only a heretical nun but, a hypocrite as well. Say a prayer for these nuns that they may open their hearts to Jesus and His One True Church. 

Ironically, there is more hot air and less weight
in their arguement then there is in those balloons.

1 comment:

  1. Misguided and delusional. Why should non tax paying women tell the government how to spend its tax dollars? Hypocrits. Too bad they didn't take the $$ it cost to rent the bus and give it to a worthy cause ... like supporting elderly religious who have given their lives doing good for the Church and for society.
